
AI-Powered Tech Training Now Available at Code Fellows


Code Fellows continues to lead the way in tech education by embracing the future of Artificial Intelligence (AI). They are continuing to advance their curriculum and prepare their graduates to lead the industry by integrating AI-powered technologies into the learning process using tools like ChatGPT.

Students learn to write code alongside AI suggestions, and acquire skills in chatbot prompt design to even generate entire solutions. Students become proficient in using dialogs with AI to review and refine their work in software and cybersecurity, and gain a deeper understanding of concepts where they may initially struggle.

Code Fellows is in sync with the industry: AI tooling is reshaping the tech industry, and Code Fellows graduates are trained and ready for the moment. Through continuous iteration, their staff of industry professionals build, refine, and adapt their curriculum to ensure it is keeping up with the demands of the industry and preparing graduates for the rigorous expectations of a career in tech today and well into the future.

They are passionate about helping individuals transform their lives through fast-paced, career-focused technical education. Their instructional team has been crafting relevant technical curriculum since 2010, partnering with top tech companies, reviewing countless job postings, and seeking continuous feedback in order to craft curriculum that not only meets but exceeds employer expectations.

“The latest generation of AI tools powerfully boosts the impact of technical employees. No other productivity tool experienced such dramatic adoption by the tech sector. Coders and cyber analysts and ops engineers all get huge leverage from integrating into their workflow chatbots, AI code generators and debuggers, and AI-based cyber threat detection. Code Fellows graduates will be ready for this brave new world because they’re already learning how to work with these tools to enhance their productivity, efficiency, and decision-making.”—Brook Riggio, VP of Education

Code Fellows believes students must embrace a growth mindset, do hard things and learn the skills that allow them to pursue their passion. They believe that everyone should have the opportunity to succeed in tech. In reality, many qualified candidates aren’t pursuing careers in technology-related fields because they are discouraged somewhere along the way. That’s why Code Fellows invests in individuals from all backgrounds. They believe that the diversity in our world should shape the future of tech. It is because of this strong belief that they work tirelessly to create an up-to-date curriculum that incorporates artificial intelligence and a learning environment where every student can gain the relevant skills to accelerate their career.

They believe that now is a perfect time for individuals to find ways to reinvent themselves with AI-powered skills, explore new learning opportunities, develop new norms, pursue careers they are passionate about, and discover ways to thrive. They aren’t just looking to help individuals find their first job, they are working to ensure their graduates leave with the skills they need to adapt and learn as the industry changes.

“We believe it’s critical that students learn the cutting-edge skills that allow them to lead the industry and passionately pursue their new careers. By teaching students the value of embracing change and continuous learning we can ensure they keep up with the demands of an ever-changing industry and be part of shaping its future.” – Mitchell Robertson, SVP of Business Development and Growth

Code Fellows’ programs produce graduates who have a 93% in-field employment rate, and a median salary of $75,000 USD. In addition, Code Fellows is the number one ranked bootcamp for landing a job at a major tech company, according to a global study conducted by Switchup. This study found that 11.15% of Code Fellow’s alumni are employed at the “Big Five”–Amazon, Facebook, Google, Apple, and Microsoft–this rate is only matched by the employment rate of Stanford University and outperforms other top university programs including Harvard, UC Berkeley, and Cornell.