
Harnessing the Disruptive Power of Emerging Frontier Technologies – Why we must Act Today to Stop an Unsupervised Future for Our World.


Daniel Doll-Steinberg and co-author Stuart Leaf have joined forces to present their highly anticipated book, “Unsupervised” to be published by Wiley on September 14th 2023. This comprehensive work serves as a clarion call for everyone, from governments, investors, business leaders, and to all of us as citizens, to actively engage with the powerful new technologies rapidly shaping our world today.

In “Unsupervised,” Doll-Steinberg and Leaf delve into the fast-changing world of emerging technologies influencing and revolutionising every aspect of our lives. From artificial intelligence and quantum computing to blockchain, immersive technology, and permanent connectivity, the authors provide an analysis of how alone and in combination, these technologies are reshaping every aspect of our lives, from work, health, finance, entertainment, and transportation to urban living.

Drawing upon their extensive experience in building disruptive technologies, investment strategies, and advising international bodies, governments and influential figures, Doll-Steinberg and Leaf shed light on the profound redefinition of our world underway today. They explore how these technologies are already reinventing every aspect of our lives and urge responsible action to prevent their misuse and harm.

Early reviews of “Unsupervised” have been overwhelmingly positive, with James Harding, former editor of the Times and Cofounder of Tortoise Media, describing it as “a fascinating and impressive piece of work, with the scale of thinking and force of argument.”

Daniel Doll-Steinberg remarked, “Emerging technologies are inevitable and changing all aspects of our lives. We want readers to actively engage with their transformative power and participate in the conversation about our changing world by learning how to harness their power for the greater good.”

Doll-Steinberg is also formally announcing the next phase of EdenBase’s growth by launching an FCA-regulated “active innovation” venture capital fund to accelerate its growing community and ecosystem for responsible, forward-thinking technology-powered businesses in the UK. The new fund will follow the trends outlined in the book by unearthing and investing in innovative frontier technology startups and providing game-changing support from EdenBase’s team and community of experts.

Doll-Steinberg’s partners in the fund are TechNation and Level39 founder Eric Van der Kleij and growth market entrepreneur Arian Alikhani.

EdenBase CEO Eric Van der Kleij remarked, “We have purposefully built the EdenBase fund and knowledge ecosystem model aligned with the themes in the book. The fund will accelerate our active innovation strategy, opening new avenues for investors by allowing us to back disruptive startups who positively harness the potential of these emerging technologies.”

“Unsupervised” is currently available for preorder and will be available everywhere books and eBooks are sold on 14th September 2023. For more information about the book, authors, or Wiley, please visit www.edenbase.com/unsupervised.