


IdentiFlight is pleased to announce its entry in South Africa. KAP Limited (KAP) has purchased the first IdentiFlight system in South Africa as part of a research plan for their Renewable Energy Strategy, and contracted Proconics to assist with purchase and installation of the IdentiFlight system.

The first IdentiFlight system in South Africa will be installed as a study unit to develop a better understanding of sensitive species, such as the cape vulture, Verreaux’s eagle, and black harrier.

“At KAP, we are committed to the long-term sustainability of our environment,” stated Gielie Riemers, Group Manager for KAP Energy. “We actively identify ways to reduce our impact and protect natural resources. This IdentiFlight unit will help us better understand the biodiverse environment and allows us to protect the rare bird species found at some of our locations.”

The IdentiFlight system blends artificial intelligence with high-precision optical technology to detect and classify avian species with more than 99 percent accuracy and up to one kilometer away. Proprietary software and neural network technologies process the images to determine 3D position, velocity, trajectory, and sensitive species of interest, all within seconds of detection.

Since 2016, IdentiFlight has been used in wind farms across four continents to detect threats to sensitive species. IdentiFlight can curtail specific turbines that pose a risk to these birds of interest. IdentiFlight systems can be deployed for data collection and monitoring purposes at prospective wind farm sites or operating wind farms alike. Multi-year, independent research has confirmed that IdentiFlight reduces avian fatalities in wind farms by over 85 percent.

“IdentiFlight is elated to work with KAP to learn more about South African species,” said Don Mills, President and Chief Operations Officer of IdentiFlight. “This study unit will collect millions of data points including bird counts, location, and behavior observations. This metadata will provide KAP with the information they need for effective mitigation and future risk minimization of sensitive avian species on their sites.”

Learn more about IdentiFlight by visiting or visit booth C5 at the Windaba Conference and Exhibition at the Cape Town International Conference Centre, CTICC2, 3-5 October 2023 in South Africa.




IdentiFlight has been accepted in March 2023 by the Grand-East Region authorities in France as effective in reducing the mortality rates of the red kite in French wind farms. It is the first time that French authorities have validated an automated system as a sufficient measure to reduce the risk of bird collisions.

The IdentiFlight system blends artificial intelligence with high-precision cameras to detect specific bird species and helps minimize collision threats with rotating wind turbine blades. IdentiFlight units can detect and identify multiple protected bird species, including the red kite.

“This acceptance provides our clients, especially those in France, with reassurance that the IdentiFlight system is both effective and reliable,” said Don Mills, President, and Chief Operating officer of IdentiFlight. “It is proof positive that IdentiFlight can help protect nature in a renewable world.”

IdentiFlight’s partnership with Boralex and Ecosphère was beneficial during the validation process for the system. The multi-year study highlighted the residual impact on bird populations near wind farms. The success of the IdentiFlight system reducing mortality rates supports both French and EU regulations that work to minimize threats to protected bird species.

“Within Boralex, we are convinced that it is possible to conciliate the development of wind energy and the protection of biodiversity by implementing innovative solutions. Investing in automatic protection systems is a virtuous approach, both for the protection of biodiversity and for the production of low-carbon and sustainable energy, and is fully in line with our Corporate Social Responsibility approach. Furthermore, it contributes to the energy transition of the territories and therefore to the objectives of carbon neutrality by 2050 in France,” stated Emilie Douté, Boralex Environment Director.

Ecosphère, went on to say, “We believe that innovative mitigation measures are part of the future for renewable energies. However, the implementation of these innovations needs to be tested and their efficiency must be proven. Consistent projects, like IdentiFlight’s multi-year study in France, are needed to ensure validation and to develop improvements.”