
Easy Buy – Rise of Digital Economy Steers Towards Perfect Future


Since Easy Buy officially landed in Taiwan on January 1, 2023, the number of orders has exceeded 300,000 and the total number of registered users has exceeded 100,000. The operation team of Easy Buy owes a deep debt of gratitude to every user for their support and trust. Easy Buy will continue to provide users with a better service experience.

Easy Buy Global Intelligent Network, committed to creating an underlying operating system in the field of the digital economy in the Web 3.0 smart era, has been constantly upgrading itself into a trusted decentralized network featuring openness, pertinence, compatibility, interactivity, and security. Its contribution to the construction of a new generation of infrastructure realizes the commercial landing and coordinated development of various intelligent digital application scenarios and digital economic ecology worldwide.

Easy Buy is an artificially intelligent digital asset circulation ecosystem. As a new generation of intelligent digital asset circulation networks, Easy Buy creatively integrates artificial intelligence technology, boasts a more convenient operating system, and installs the cloud computing big data core to accelerate data processing. With more than one million TPS, Easy Buy can confirm blocks within 3 seconds, thus laying a solid foundation for the digital asset circulation network, on which the financial industry, big data industry, manufacturing industry, as well as a traditional business, will be accessible gradually. Because of this, the new generation of digital asset circulation networks can reach every corner of the world.

Easy Buy (WEB3.0 streaming media e-commerce aggregation platform) company introduction

Easy Buy, founded in Singapore, is an emerging WEB3.0 streaming media e-commerce aggregation platform, whose main ecology focuses on “WEB3.0 + all-category e-commerce + digital transformation of movie industry chain + blockchain technology + metaverse + cloud storage + ecological supply chain”. Based on metaverse underlying technologies of AR (augmented reality) and VR (virtual reality), Easy Buy will establish a business ecosystem with 3D commodity display, real-time simultaneous interaction, payment and transaction, comprehensive services, Internet promotion and sharing, etc., and provide consumers with “immersive shopping experience”. In Easy Buy, apart from the existing Internet shopping functions, the four differentiating advantages are 3D commodity display and personalized customization, VR interpretation, AR trial arrangement, and simultaneous interaction.

Easy Buy E-commerce PTE.LTD owns Easy Buy in Singapore. In the early stage of its development, the new e-commerce platform was established based on strategic cooperative relations with the world’s top e-commerce enterprises — eBay Inc. of America, Otto Group of Germany, and Vega Inc. of Japan. At the same time, the founding team members of Easy Buy are the cream of global e-commerce with years of operation and management experience. They have made certain achievements that promote the development of the global e-commerce industry to a certain extent.

Easy Buy E-commerce PTE.LTD. is one of the emerging digital economy quantitative investment institutions in Singapore and is also a mainstream investment institution that quickly enters the field of blockchain and cryptocurrency. Easy Buy E-commerce PTE.LTD. loses no investment opportunities in global emerging markets and innovation and adheres to long-term value investment. On investment strategy, Easy Buy E-commerce PTE.LTD. integrates the global perspective with the local experience and meets the local needs of the invested projects by relying on its rich global resources to help the invested projects realize extraordinary growth.

Easy Buy E-commerce PTE.LTD. invests in major emerging markets around the world and has offices in 5 countries and regions, including New YorkTokyoSingaporeLondon, and Paris. Currently, Easy Buy E-commerce PTE.LTD. is applying for the Singapore Digital Finance License to carry out digital cryptocurrency transactions, ICO issuance, foreign exchange, cross-border remittance, and other digital cryptos financial business in global compliance in the future.

Easy Buy E-commerce PTE.LTD., with excellent experience and global resources in cryptocurrency trading, will bring a broader international vision and standardized, robust compliance operation to Easy Buy digital economy platform in the years ahead and help Easy Buy digital economy platform realize the token economy.

Easy Buy specializes in underlying technologies and grasps blockchain technology dividends

Easy Buy’s digital economy platform will connect blockchain finance with the real business world, underpinning the all-around development of Easy Buy platform’s digital asset finance in the future. In terms of technology, underlying technologies are applied in an innovative way to realize peer-to-peer value transfer through an intelligent protocol in the Easy Buy system. Besides, according to the protocol, a decentralized payment application development platform supporting multiple industries (finance, Internet of Things, supply chain, social games, etc.) will come into being.

Specifically, as regards consensus mechanism, from the perspective of decentralization, practicality, technology, and reliability, Easy Buy digital economy platform will depend on Easy Buy to realize basic functions such as a decentralized network, Ledger, consensus, gateway, decentralized transaction, multi-currency transaction, wallet, payment, digital asset issuance, etc. As a result, the intelligent protocol of blockchain will be more practical and more consistent with business rules, and the bridge built between the real world and the blockchain world will greatly boost financial services.

Easy Buy creates an application ecosystem and taps into digital economy dividends

EBT is a decentralized blockchain native digital asset issued by Easy Buy and a platform token for Easy Buy. Easy Buy has worldwide user distribution, remarkable project self-restoration ability, and stable value support. Therefore, even plagued by the COVID-19 pandemic, Easy Buy, based on solid project development, will continuously produce new value, and create new income in the future, whose value will stay in an upward spiral. Easy Buy is devoted to relying on physical value, looking for excellent subject matters as value support, and creating value for the real economy through blockchain technology.