
New Levels of Transparency on Global Climate Crisis Unveiled in Partnership Deal Between Gate2Chain and TRUEWORLD


A new platform that enables the vetting and validation of the environmental credentials of governments and industries has been launched in a partnership of two major innovation companies. The move brings unprecedented levels of accountability in tracking climate and environmental change.

The partnership, between blockchain integrator company Gate2Chain and the TRUEWORLD Organization, enables real-time monitoring of environmental indicators and sustainability claims. The capabilities sit on a dynamically updated platform built by TRUEWORLD, accredited by institutions, and recorded to the blockchain using Gate2Chain.

With global capabilities, and several major companies already waiting to adopt the new platform, the deal aims to establish a centralized project bank that brings global scale and transparency to climate change reduction targets.

By capturing what the team describes as the ‘vital signs of the Earth’ and the inclusion of industry and company-level data, the world’s biggest companies will get an instant read on their sustainability and climate footprint. This level of transparency at a global level has not been possible until now and can be visualized on a traced Digital Twin World ‘Observatory’ the team has built.

The partnership is a significant step toward opening the blockchain to more use cases and is expected to change the way investors, governments, and consumers approach Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) issues. By virtue of the processes and the data residing on the blockchain, it is immutable and not open to manipulation by interest groups, governments, or companies.

“The realities of rising pollution levels and habitat and species losses are proof that the interests of the world are rarely put first. Our partnership changes that dynamic and allows the confident capture of accurate data by accredited experts and institutions. It means governments and industries can use authenticated data to make measurable positive change. We have players in all kinds of industries lining up to participate,” said Steve Smid of Gate2Chain.

“Our combined capabilities and years of engineering work behind the scenes can now be used to provide a trusted global platform for positive change on the planet,” said TRUEWORLD co-founder Marco Mendoza. “Whether you are a government hiding behind incorrect data sets or an industry being scrutinized for your ESG policies, we are solving real-world problems and democratizing processes that bring real accountability to the climate crisis.”

The TRUEWORLD Organization received a United Nations environmental award earlier this year for its work on innovative sustainability solutions. The organization works with a range of non-governmental groups to shed light on mistruths related to climate change. It also harnesses information from sources such as NASA and the EU COPERNICUS program.

Gate2Chain is a blockchain integrator company that provides a development suite to make blockchain easily and affordably accessible to companies of all sizes, in all industries.

The partnership between Gate2Chain and TRUEWORLD Organization was announced today at the BSV Global Blockchain Convention in Dubai.