
Ontotext Webinar – GraphDB as Company Data Central


Ontotext is thrilled to invite you to the Ontotext free webinar on March 17. The topic of the session is GraphDB as Company Data Central.

The webinar will demonstrate how to smarten up company data using FIBO (Financial Industry Business Ontology) as a semantic model and external data from GLEI (Global Legal Entity Identifier), LCC (Languages, Countries and Codes) and Wikidata; how GraphDB can help you create a graph model of your data and enrich it with reference data, signals from unstructured sources, records from transactional sources.

During the webinar several scenarios will be covered:

  1. FIBO (example for data model): Ingest Set Autocomplete, Show EDA visualizations Create semantic indices (text and graph) Demo graph similarity;

  2. F500 data (example for custom data): Ingest F500 CSV via OntoRefine Reconciliation against WikiData Reconciliation against GLEI Query to create sameAs between GLEI and WikiData ids Create F5002FIBO mappings via the interface SPARQL query to generate mapping suggestions on the basis of text similarity between column name and FIBO class;

  3. Text analytics (Signals from unstructured content): Use Metadata studio or via GraphDB WB Register Tag CES Register Google NLP Send a couple of lines of content to both services and review and save annotations. View the event/topic annotations linked to the Facebook record (linked by Wikidata ID);

  4. Link to pricing data (Virtualization demo): Review mapping sendс a query showing the price change as a result of the event identified in the content, related to Facebook above Setup/Prerequisites.

  5. GLEIF data – separate repo Pricing data – the end-of-day share price (linked by ticker) stored in a relational database. Content sample – I am thinking of the example of the falling share price of Facebook.