
StarCompliance Celebrates Partnership and Innovation with Star Client Awards


StarCompliance (“Star”), a leading provider of employee compliance technology solutions, announced the recipients of their Star Client Awards during Synergy ’22, the company’s annual flagship event. The awards celebrate innovation, collaboration, and culture in RegTech. Star created three awards for North America (“NA”) and three for EMEA, to acknowledge achievements within these regions. Star will be donating $1,000 to each winner’s charity of choice.

“I’m honored to congratulate all the winners of our Star Client Awards,” said Star CEO Jennifer Sun, “and applaud their significant contributions to the progress of RegTech in the field of compliance. Our client relationships are incredibly important in helping us continually deliver a better platform. With their counsel, we can better direct our investments of time, money, and resources into our technology that brings real value to the industry.”

This year’s Star Client Awards included the Star Innovator, Collaborator, and Influencer Awards.

The Star Innovator Awards went to DraftKings and DWS, celebrating their exemplary use and implementation of innovative technologies and the establishment of new processes that solved a business need or challenge in the last year, using the STAR Platform or otherwise.

The Star Collaborator Awards went to Bain Capital, Invesco, and NatWest, recognizing the time and resources their teams gave over the last year to support and partner with Star to further the development and innovation of the STAR Platform.

T. Rowe Price and Optiver won the Star Influencer Awards for their efforts in weaving compliance into their overall business culture, influencing and improving their organizations’ perception of compliance.