
Concordium and Frontier multi-chain Wallet announce partnership to expose the Concordium blockchain to Frontier’s massive trader base


Concordium blockchain announces that it will be integrated with advanced non-custodial wallet Frontier, enabling the staking and delegation of Concordium’s native token, CCD, on the platform.

Available on mobile across both Android and iOS, and on web as a browser extension, Frontier is a multi-chain crypto & NFT wallet with DeFi aggregation capabilities on a mission to make DeFi, simple, secure, and mobile.

Frontier’s mission is to make DeFi simple, secure and mobile. Hence it allows users to seamlessly view, track and manage multiple wallets and DeFi portfolios across all platforms from a single interface, empowering them to buy, stake, earn, lend, borrow, swap, and bridge crypto assets across chains and dApps.

With NFTs, protocols, DeFi primitives, and support for 35+ chains –including Ethereum, Solana, Cosmos, Polkadot, Avalanche, the Binance Smart Chain ecosystem and all leading L2 scaling solutions, EVM and non-EVM chains, users no longer need to constantly switch between multiple apps and browser extensions to manage their multi-chain portfolios.

Other than performing typical wallet functions like send, receive, store, swap, and buy cryptos & NFTs, the Concordium users will now be able to stake tokens on multiple chains across various validators, bridge tokens across chains, lend & earn, participate in liquidity pools, create CDPs and trade on token derivatives all in-app acting as a one-stop wallet for all DeFi needs. Additionally, Frontier integrates dApps into various ecosystems to maximize potential for growth from interoperability, and also offers hardware wallet support for Ledger and Trezor.

Benefiting from Frontier’s integration with Concordium Blockchain, the only layer-1 blockchain with a built-in self-sovereign ID framework, the updated account creation will include ID verification and seed phrase integration. The integration will ease and enhance the attractiveness of Concordium for its users.

DeFi users will benefit by creating new Concordium wallets or importing their existing Concordium wallets into Frontier. They will also be able to stake their Concordium tokens seamlessly in a non-custodial way. Apart from this, they will also have access to the upcoming Concordium DeFi ecosystem launching later this year like the Concordordex.

“With regulatory authorities across the globe contemplating ways and means to regulate decentralized finance and cryptos, an ID-verified blockchain network like Concordium can help unlock a significant value in the mass Web3 adoption. Frontier Wallet is beyond excited to partner with Concordium as their Wallet partner and help them build a secured, non-custodial Crypto and NFT wallet with seamless access to DeFi and CCD staking,” says Ravindra Kumar, Founder & CEO, Frontier Wallet.

“At Concordium we believe in a future where Web3 goes hand in hand with both existing and new businesses to create exciting new offerings. To succeed we want our community to have access to the best non-custodial wallets possible. Frontier’s ability to unify multiple blockchain-based offerings in a clean user experience. Concordium’s delegated proof-of-stake design fits naturally into Frontier’s strong, built-in, DeFi offering, and we look forward to working with the team on supporting future compliance needs of projects through Concordiums Web3 ID framework,” says Mikael Breinholst, Concordium’s Director of Product.


Next Generation announces partnership with Concordium


Next Gen is announcing a partnership with Concordium to deliver world-class IT service and reshape education for students, educators, institutions and businesses.

Next Gen will open up a decentralized platform for anyone who wants to enter the right job market, for businesses who want competent employees, and for educational institutions or educators who want to teach relevant, updated and meaningful curriculums. Next Gen’s platform will be for all individuals to turn their passion and dreams into meaningful qualifications and successful lives.

Through DAO-based educational grants, Next Generation will provide access to global qualifications and work to address the needs of neurodivergent students. By easing concerns such as lack of access, availability, and inclusion, Next Generation aims to close the gap between the kind of education students receive and those they, their communities and economies need. Education is a global necessity, in particular due to technology changing the job market, at an exponential rate. The jobs of tomorrow are not taught at the education of today. Next Gen will provide a symbiotic ecosystem that empowers all parties to reach their potential in the world of work.

Using Concordium’s unique blockchain technology, which balances privacy with accountability, will ensure that everyone in the world can use Next Generation as an open decentralized infrastructure. This includes SSO solutions, with an ID layer at the protocol level, validated by a third party, which allows people and companies to trust one another while remaining private with zero-knowledge proof.

The partnership with Concordium will allow Next Generation to ensure privacy, security, ease-of-use, and compliance for its partners and users, while coordinating with global educational institutions to implement a curriculum and qualifications framework for lifelong learning.

Lars Seier Christiensen, from Concordium, says: “In my view, the number one focus area to improve the world is education. The second most important is for young people to deploy their education through a meaningful job, where they can gain an income, experience and network to continuously improve their life. So I am delighted for Concordium to partner up with Next Gen, which has exactly these two focus areas. There is a big lack of inclusion when it comes to education globally, and together we can improve this in a safe and trustworthy environment. For me, this is what blockchain is all about, improving life conditions and including more people in the economy in meaningful ways.”

And Michael Lundorff-Hansen from Next Gen echoes him, saying: “We are very happy to announce our partnership with Concordium and look forward to utilizing the Concordium ID Layer to protect students, educators and businesses against abuse of their data, in the fight for privacy. Concordium is focused on delivering decentralization and security within their blockchain, while achieving regulatory compliance. We believe in the Concordium values and see them as an ideal partner for this journey.”


Concordium blockchain unveils novel solution to combat greenwashing with the world’s most data-driven carbon offsets


Concordium is proud to raise the bar for carbon credits and announce a partnership with Carbotanix (CTX), one of the most data-driven carbon offsets on the market.

In an effort to restore trust in the offset process by making it data driven and transparent, Carbotanix’s carbon offset token is going to be built entirely on the Concordium blockchain, the world’s first, science-backed blockchain with an ID-layer at the protocol level designed with sustainability and governance in mind.

Developed through remote sensing and continuous monitoring, Carbotanix provides one metric tonne of CO2 offset while Concordium’s identity framework makes it possible for the first time to trace ID back to the source.

This innovative solution, which combines remote sensed data with blockchain technology to ensure a new level of trust, was devised to combat greenwashing practices like double-counted credits, which is essential to achieving net-zero emissions. While global carbon markets grew to $272 billion in 2020, they may still need to grow fiftyfold for companies to meet 2050 net-zero greenhouse gas emissions goals. Concordium’s ID framework guarantees that only verified partners can issue carbon credits thus scaling the market with trust at the very centre.

Additionally, Carbotanix ensures a fair distribution of profits, with 51% staying with the beneficial landowner partner and 20% being reinvested back into reforestation, eco-restoration and expansion.

“Carbotanix team has, after a thorough market due diligence process, chosen Concordium as the right blockchain partner, in order to launch the first in class data validated carbon sequestration units, that will be the golden standard of carbon credits on the blockchain. The Concordium Team has shown excellence in all aspects of the project development process and we feel comfortable to launch the CTX token via the CCD ecosystem,”  says Andre Rafnsson, CEO at Carbotanix

Sustainability has always been a priority for Concordium, from the Proof of Stake consensus mechanism to the programming language, all our choices are always working towards the best practices. Being chosen by one of the most data driven carbon offset on the market is an honour for us,” said Lone Fønss Schrøder, CEO of Concordium.


Pixpel and Concordium bring insurance policy to Web 3.0 gaming


Pixpel, an early-stage Mexican based start-up has been awarded the “Free and Open Grant ” by the Concordium Foundation to bring an innovative type of “insurance policy” concept to the NFT gaming market.

The soon-to-be-launched P2E platform, Pixpel, will provide a variety of services, including an NFT marketplace and insurance policy to ensure the play-to-earn sector can match Concordium’s signature commitment to safety and accountability in every aspect of Web 3.0.

As the first decentralized blockchain with identification at the protocol level, helping facilitate regulatory compliance, Concordium shares Pixpel’s ambition of a legitimate and secure ecosystem for the development and trade of NFTs with in-game utility.

Pixpel’s insurance policy will protect users’ safety and rid the P2E sector of scammers looking to cash in on the lack of regulation and security in the space, thereby giving rise to a safer and more enjoyable Web 3.0 gaming community with a restored reputation.

Play to Earn makes it possible for anyone to earn money playing their favourite games -an opportunity that has (up until now) only been reserved for the very best at grand tournaments. Unfortunately, the P2E sector has seen scammers looking to cash in on the lack of regulation and security in the space. Pixpel will collaborate with Concordium blockchain to provide the security and accountability the gamers need in order to feel safe.” says Torben Kaaber, Head of Business Solutions at Concordium.

Pixpel founder, Juan Vivas says: “I was 6 years old when I started playing games and fell in love with them, I still play. Later in my life, economics piqued my interest. The Play to Earn games are where my two passions met. I was deeply excited to see the sector growing and becoming an important part of the crypto metaverse, but just as saddened, because of the problems it faced. After a group of my friends suffered because of another mishandled project, I decided to use my knowledge and make the P2E space a better place – the idea for Pixpel was born. Together with Concordium and my team, we are determined to write a new, better page, in the history of P2E.”


Concordium airdrops $2.5 million worth of tokens towards decentralization of $CCD


Concordium, the layer 1 blockchain with an ID layer at the protocol level, has announced an airdrop of 4,500,000 of its CCD token, worth $2,5 million to all the users who have downloaded their wallet.

Concordium CEO Lone Fønss Schrøder explained the reasoning behind the airdrop: “This airdrop is part of Concordium’s further plans of decentralization of the network and follows the successful initial airdrop that we created for our core original founding community.”

“By awarding tokens to our faithful community and new members we help users and developers with the first $CCD they need to interact on the Concordium network and in deploying smart contracts on Concordium” added Lars Seier Chaistensen, Concordium s founder and Chairman.

In signing up for Concordium´s AirDrop users must perform a few steps, such as assisting in validating some of the network’s mechanisms. Users can gain access to a pool of $CDD to be evenly distributed amongst participating new members of our community.

To participate in the airdrop, users just need to download Concordium’s wallet until December 20th, 2021 11:59 PM CET.

More news from Concordium

Last week, Concordium announced the launch of the first blockchain focused Regulated (Reg.) Decentralized Finance Lab The Reg. DeFi Lab will establish a funding vehicle and allocate up to  $100 M in $CCD in the form of grants and investments through its community endowment program.

Concordium also announced that the Norwegian Grandmaster, reigning World Chess Champion Magnus Carlsen´s Play Magnus Group has chosen Concordium as a partner for Chess NFT´s.

Concordium has also communicated that its cryptocurrency, the $CCD will soon be listed.