
Exploring F5G Evolution, Huawei Launches Three Enterprise Optical Network Solutions


At its “F5G Evolution, Bringing Intelligence Everywhere” Summit held during HUAWEI CONNECT 2023, Huawei shared its F5G application practices with global customers and partners in industries spanning electric power, education, real estate, manufacturing, and healthcare. Furthermore, it launched a variety of innovative products and solutions.

Richard Jin, President of Huawei Optical Business Product Line, said in his keynote speech, “Amid increasing application of AI, the industry poses new requirements on sensing and connectivity. Industry intelligence requires a sensing network and an all-optical network. During the industry intelligence evolution, Huawei continues to explore industry sensing, all-optical campus networks, WAN production networks, data center interconnect, and residential networks. On top of that, we have launched a series of innovative F5G products and solutions to empower AI-enabled industries.”

Campus scenarios: Huawei has released the FTTO 2.0 solution. Based on the XGS-PON Pro technology, this solution supports 12.5G/25G to rooms, 2.5G/10G to APs, and 2.5G to desktops, building green 10G all-optical networks and facilitating campus intelligence. Featuring ultra-broadband, simplified, high-quality, and green networks, the solution can be used in scenarios to enable unified bearing of all services over one fiber and meet customer requirements for building next-generation campus networks.

Electric power and transportation industries: Huawei has launched the SE-OTN solution, which is applied to SDH reconstruction at various stations, including power substations, trackside stations, toll stations, and oil and gas BVSs. Using the next-generation optical service unit (OSU) standard for SDH evolution, this solution offers 10 times more bandwidth than legacy SDH networks and inherits the high security and reliability of such networks. And unlike common OTN solutions, the SE-OTN solution does not require complex optical-layer devices, thereby making network planning and O&M far simpler and reducing construction costs effectively. As such, it represents an optimal choice for industries looking to evolve their SDH production networks.

Perimeter protection scenarios: Huawei has launched the industry’s first perimeter protection solution that enables optical-visual linkage and multi-dimensional sensing. At the Summit, Huawei joined hands with partners to release Optical-Visual Linkage for Perimeter Protection Technical White Paper.

In the future, Huawei will continue to innovate based on F5G evolution, develop leading products and solutions, and work with customers and partners to facilitate intelligent upgrade of various industries.


Huawei Connect TECH4ALL Summit Explores How Technology and Partnerships Enable Inclusion and Sustainability


The Huawei Connect 2023 TECH4ALL Summit on 20th September  invited TECH4ALL partners from across the globe to share their insights into the key role that technology and partnerships play in enabling a more inclusive and sustainable digital world

Based on highlighting current project outcomes and best practices, a key theme of the summit was how partnerships serve as a bridge between ICT industries, governments, international organizations, research institutes, and NGOs to achieve common goals in the areas of inclusion and sustainability.

“We know that technologies such as broadband connectivity, cloud, the Internet of Things, and AI offer huge potential as rapid catalysts of change, changes that can benefit both people and the planet,” said Peng Song, Senior Vice President for Huawei and President of ICT Strategy and Marketing in his opening speech.

Speaking for International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), James Hardcastle highlighted the Tech4Nature partnership jointly launched by IUCN and Huawei in 2021. With five pilot projects running globally, Tech4Nature aims to improve the management of 300 protected areas by developing innovative technology solutions and measuring conservation efficacy against the IUCN Green List Standard.

“Technology can revolutionize nature conservation. Through our Tech4Nature partnership, we can share and scale-up the technical solutions for biodiversity and climate change. However, it is not just the hardware that can help save costs and enable action. The most useful contribution of tech to conservation is the data analysis that is now possible. We can only accelerate access to intelligence and information better, smarter, effective decision-making through inclusive multi-stakeholder partnerships, said James Hardcastle, Head of Protected and Conserved Areas for IUCN.

At the summit, TECH4ALL partners launched two white papers and signed two strategic cooperation agreements with Huawei in the areas of education and environmental protection.

Two white papers launched

On behalf of Kenya’s Ministry of Education (MoE), Martin Kungania launched the DigiSchool Report – Internet Connectivity to Schools. The report is based on the DigiSchool Internet Connectivity Project, a government-led initiative in partnership with UNESCO and Huawei, with phase one connecting nine secondary and three primary schools to high-speed Internet access in 2021.

“The government is currently working with UNESCO and Huawei on phase two which will connect more schools. This will include special schools for the hearing impaired and provide video conferencing technology to support their teachers and students, providing even greater benefit for disadvantaged learners,” said Martin Kungania, National Coordinator of the Digital Literacy Programme under the Ministry of Education for Kenya.

The paper evaluates how the Internet enhances teaching and learning, identifies best practices for scalability and sustainability, and assesses how connectivity strengthens schools’ administrative functions.

In the environmental domain, TECH4ALL partner Rainforest Connection (RFCx) released Harnessing the Power of Sound and AI to Monitor Biodiversity and Track Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF) Targets.

“The Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF) outlines critical targets for preserving and restoring biodiversity worldwide, but we need effective monitoring tools to track our progress and ultimately achieve these goals,” said Antony Harfield, Chief Technology Officer for RFCx. “The combination of ecoacoustics and AI offers a non-invasive, cost-effective, and scalable solution to this issue, facilitating evidence-based conservation and adaptive management,” “We are thrilled to be working with TECH4ALL on projects around the world that showcase the power of sound and AI to track progress towards GBF targets.”

Rainforest Connection and Huawei have to date deployed smart audio solutions to detect threats, such as illegal logging and poaching, and monitor biodiversity based on species’ vocalizations in ocean, mountain, forest, and rainforest ecosystems in 15 countries.

Two strategic agreements signed

Signed by Huawei and the China Social Entrepreneur Foundation, the Youth Teacher Empowerment Education Plan continues an existing project for providing training in digital skills for young rural teachers. Launched in 2017, the program had trained nearly 125,000 young rural teachers as of June 2023, which has in turn benefited 6 million children in rural schools.

In the environmental domain, the Smart Conservation of the Yellow River Delta agreement signed by Huawei and Yellow River Delta National Nature Reserve continues an ongoing project that has developed innovative solutions for researching, monitoring, and protecting birdlife in the Yellow River Delta area without disturbing local biodiversity. The project includes nesting stations for the endangered Oriental stork, just 10,000 of which remain distributed across East Asia.

The TECH4ALL booth at Huawei Connect showcased many of the initiative’s projects, including DigiTruck, DigiSchool, Conserving Nature with Technology, to visitors attending the annual flagship event, which brought together business leaders, tech experts, partners, developers, and industry stakeholders from around the world to explore new opportunities for an intelligent future..


Staynex Partners with Huawei to Enhance Web3 Initiatives for the Travel and Hospitality Industry


Global vacation club platform, Staynex, has announced a partnership with tech giant, Huawei, to leverage Web3 technologies and enhance the travel and hospitality industry.

This partnership will potentially offer users a more comprehensive travel experience with increased convenience and variety using advanced AI tools. The firm will provide travellers with a wider range of hotels and itinerary options to suit their preferences, lifestyles, and budgets. This significant development reinforces Staynex’s dedication to creating superior travel solutions for a wide-ranging audience.

“We anticipate that our partnership with Huawei will facilitate the creation of more solutions for the travel and hospitality industry,” states Bernard Lau, Founder and CEO of Staynex. “We are keen to explore the numerous opportunities and aim to empower global travellers.”

“We are delighted to partner with Staynex to augment its platform with our cutting-edge technological tools, while also allowing us to improve our range of corporate services,” shares Rex Lei, Managing Director of Huawei Cloud Singapore. ” With our expertise in cloud technology, we currently support companies across numerous industries. We are confident that this partnership will enable us to develop more efficient and advanced information and communication technology (ICT) solutions for the travel and hospitality industry.”

Staynex, an integral component of the Labs Group ecosystem, will offer its AI-powered Travel Solutions, supported by Huawei’s innovative technology. Staynex is set to introduce solutions for everyday travellers and in addition, it will offer corporate solutions designed to streamline the process of booking travel tickets for employees attending events such as conferences.

The partnership also includes Staynex’s integration into the Huawei Marketplace, providing millions of Huawei device users with easy access to Staynex’s comprehensive travel platform.

Staynex plans to use this partnership to accelerate its expansion into the Chinese market and beyond.


Huawei Digital Power Builds New Infrastructure in Three Aspects for the Digital Energy Era


The International Digital Energy Expo (IDEE) 2023 opened today in Shenzhen. The four-day event focuses on discussing cutting-edge technologies and best practices in the digital energy industry, aiming to promote the construction of a green, efficient, flexible, intelligent, and sustainable energy system and accelerate the industry’s high-quality development.

At today’s Digital Energy Forum, Hou Jinlong, President of Huawei Digital Power, delivered a keynote speech entitled “Integrating Digital and Power Electronics Technologies for a New Era of Digital Energy and a Better, Greener Future.” President Hou emphasized that low carbon, electrification, digitalization, and intelligence are the four key paths for energy evolution and transformation. The energy industry has entered a new era of digital energy and will be deeply integrated with the digital world. Huawei Digital Power is committed to integrating digital and power electronics technologies to build energy infrastructure for power systems, new-type electric vehicles (EVs), and new digital industries for a carbon-neutral future.

The transformation of energy infrastructure, including new power systems, urban energy systems, transportation energy networks, and residential energy systems, is accelerating. Huawei Digital Power leverages ‘4T’ technologies (BiT, WatT, HeaT, and BatTery) to build new energy infrastructure in three aspects:

  • New Power System Energy Infrastructure

This type of infrastructure focuses on clean energy bases, urban energy systems with coordinated power generation, grids, loads, and storage, and home energy management systems.

In clean energy base scenarios, Huawei develops smart grid-forming converters to make PV a major energy source. In terms of O&M, Huawei leverages IoT, big data, AI, and other digital technologies to implement the smart diagnosis of plant faults, achieving intelligent and unattended PV plants.

In urban settings, Huawei uses innovative solutions like distributed energy, virtual power plants (VPPs), smart charging networks, V2X, integrated smart energy, and smart microgrids to intelligently integrate energy generation, grid, load, and storage. The goal is to cultivate green, low-carbon urban energy systems, leading to cities that are safe, resilient, efficient, and smart.

For home energy consumption, building a green, low-carbon, intelligent home energy management system with the optimizer+PV+ESS+charger+load+cloud one-stop solution will transform homes from energy consumers to prosumers in new power systems.

  • New-type EV Energy Infrastructure

In the mobility electrification industry, Huawei Digital Power offers e-Mobility and FusionCharge solutions. We launch the hyper-converged power system and the “one kilometer per second” supercharging solution through collaborative efforts, enabling electric vehicles to surpass fuel vehicles and achieve a refueling-like charging experience. Additionally, high-quality charging networks should be compatible with vehicle models of various voltage levels. Various business models can bring better returns on investment to charger operators, fostering a sustainable development cycle.

Today, Shenzhen City, Huawei Digital Power, and ecosystem partners announce to build Shenzhen into a supercharging hub with an integrated network for charge, energy storage, and discharge.

  • New Digital Industry Energy Infrastructure

With the surging demands for connections and computing power, energy consumption and carbon emissions from data centers and telecom sites are increasing. Adhering to the principle of achieving more bits with less watts and less carbon emissions, Huawei builds new energy infrastructure for data center facilities, site power facilities, and critical power supply solutions, to continuously reduce energy consumption and carbon emissions per bit. The infrastructure serves as an energy consumer and a regulator of energy production and power systems.

The digital energy industry thrives on ecosystem collaboration. Huawei will continuously innovate in technologies and products and work with industry and ecosystem partners to build a digital energy industry ecosystem and contribute to a carbon-neutral future for humankind.


Huawei strengthens Singapore R&D operations, unveils OpenLab 3.0 Asia-Pacific


Huawei unveiled Huawei OpenLab 3.0 Asia-Pacific today, an upgrade of its Singapore R&D operations aimed at adapting its solutions to the specific needs of the region. A space where Huawei and its partners can jointly collaborate, OpenLab 3.0 will combine expertise and technologies to speed up digital transformation across the public and private sectors in Asia Pacific. The opening ceremony was attended by Mr. Goh Pei Sheng, Vice President of Digital Industry Singapore (DISG), a platform of the Singapore government that engages with the technology sector. Over 60 partners and guests from the technology and public sectors, industry associations, and universities also attended the ceremony.

OpenLab 3.0 represents a US$20 million upgrade of Huawei’s R&D operations in Asia Pacific. It will enable Huawei to better collaborate with local partners to create customer-centric and innovative scenario-based solutions that truly meet regional needs. Based on its considerable capabilities in wireless and optical networks, storage, cloud and AI, Huawei has developed a range of integrated solutions like Smart Campus, Smart Classroom, and Smart City. Collaborating with customers allows the solutions to be better tailored to meet needs through joint innovation. Collaboration often results in new ecosystems that deliver the digital transformation of public service, finance, transportation, energy and many more industries.

“The booming digital economy in APAC will lead to new innovative services and applications. To accelerate the digital transformation of industries, a more open and diversified industry ecosystem is required”, said Mr. Nicholas Ma, President of Huawei APAC Enterprise Business Group. “OpenLab 3.0 is a global technology platform for local partners, customers and institutions of higher learning in APAC. It explores joint solutions based on the demands of various industries and continuously contributes to building the Digital APAC.”

Mr. Jun Zhang, President of Huawei APAC Public Affairs and Communications, explained Huawei’s talent development model PIPES. “Standing for Platforms, Innovation, Professionalism, Experience, and Skills, PIPES delivers targeted talent programs for individuals from all walks of life, in order to foster an inclusive talent ecosystem in the Asia Pacific region. OpenLab 3.0, a platform for innovation, experience and knowhow sharing, exemplifies our talent-centric commitment, and is set to emerge as a pivotal hub for talent cultivation across the region.”

“OpenLab 1.0 to 2.0 have been looking at tomorrow from today’s perspective. OpenLab 3.0 is about cooperating with our partners to look at tomorrow from the day after tomorrow’s perspective and explore more possibilities in the future through our comprehensive innovative R&D capabilities and investment. Incubating and enabling more future-oriented local applications and innovative solutions, while promoting them to the entire Asia-Pacific region to support digital transformation of various industries.” Mr. Foo Fang Yong, CEO of Huawei International, said during the ceremony.

“Cloud OpenLab”, a partner-oriented solution integration & verification platform on cloud architecture was also launched at the ceremony. During the event, two Huawei partners, Simon Chung, President of Global Business at Chinasoft International and Jeffrey Yam, Director-Founder of Maxxmedia International, discussed their journey of collaboration with Huawei that resulted in incubating Smart Campus and Smart Classroom solutions.

Huawei OpenLab was officially launched in Singapore in 2016. To date, it has welcomed over 6000 industry visitors from the APAC region and forged collaborations with more than 100 partners to create customer-centric solutions. Besides Singapore, Huawei has established OpenLabs in locations that include Suzhou, MunichIstanbul, and Dubai, jointly developing and launching technologies and solutions with more than 400 partners worldwide.

“We welcome all the partners and customers into OpenLabs, holding joint discussions on requirements and possible directions of solution, to truly deliver solutions that can address customer needs,” said Eric Xu, Huawei’s Rotating Chairman at the company’s annual report press conference. “Huawei’s commitment to various countries, customers, and partners in the APAC region will not change. We will continue to strengthen our investment, including R&D and other areas, in the APAC region.”

Huawei maintains a strong investment in R&D, with an annual spend of CNY161.5 billion in 2022, which accounts for 25.1% of their yearly revenue. This brings their total R&D expenditure to over CNY977.3 billion for the past decade.


Huawei Launches Tech Arena Competition


On June 16, Huawei launched the Tech Arena competition at Viva Technology 2022, one of Europe’s biggest tech summits. Huawei’s Tech Arena competitions are sponsored and designed by Huawei’s worldwide labs in partnership with top universities to give students from around the world more opportunities to experience and learn how to solve real-world problems.

Xiang Zishang, Vice President of Huawei’s European Research Institute, explained how the company plans to host at least 10 Tech Arena competitions for over 1,000 students during the 2022–2023 school year. These competitions will be hosted in many different countries, including France, the UK, IrelandSwedenGermanyFinlandBelgiumItalySwitzerland, and Israel. Huawei hopes this systematic approach to tech competitions will allow more students to participate in and benefit from this kind of program.

When discussing the planned content of the competition, Xiang said, “We must broaden our horizons, communicate with talent to understand their needs, and help more outstanding talent grow and emerge from these competitions.” Therefore, the themes and focuses of these competitions will cover a broad range of cutting-edge technological topics. Previous challenges have focused on topics such as optical network modeling and real-time intelligence and automotive applications.

Contestants will have the opportunity to test their skills involving coding, algorithms, mathematics, and engineering to solve real-world industry problems. The competitions will each have six winners, who will receive cash rewards or Huawei consumer products, such as smart watches and laptops.

Tech competitions like Tech Arena offer platforms for local talent to improve their skills and create a space between industry and academia where talented students can learn new ways to apply their academic knowledge to real world challenges. The commercial value generated by this knowledge, in turn, drives new research and breakthroughs.

Dario Rossi, a laboratory director at Huawei’s Paris Research Center, explained, “Today’s students will be the researchers of tomorrow. Being exposed early to interesting and challenging problems can motivate them to pursue a high-profile technical career.”

Huawei currently operates many R&D research centers in Europe, mainly staffed with local researchers. They also currently partner with over 300 universities and 900 research institutes around the world on international talent cultivation and research. In 2021, the company’s annual spending on university funding and partnerships jumped to US$400 million, an increase over previous years.


Towards Green, Fully Optical, and Intelligent Connections: Huawei Creates New Value for Internet Service Industry


Huawei held its annual Global Internet Service Industry Summit in Vienna. To align with Europe’s all-optical network strategy of eco-friendliness, intelligence, and digital transformation, Huawei launched new products and solutions including NetEngine 8000 M4, OTN P2MP private line, and Fiber to The Room (FTTR). The summit, joined by global business leaders, partners, and think tanks, also featured discussions on Europe’s all-optical trend and transformation of managed services, creating new value together.

Green, fully optical, and intelligent connections have become a key area of growth for the Internet Service Industry (ISI). Speaking at the opening ceremony, Huang Dachuan, CTO of Huawei’s Enterprise Business Group, said that the ISI industry has three trends: Internet connection technologies are evolving to all-optical, Internet connection architecture is developing to software-defined and more intelligent, and Internet services are becoming more intelligent and diversified. He reaffirmed Huawei’s mission to provide all-optical, intelligent Internet solutions and services to foster the smooth evolution of the ICT architecture, as well as business success of Internet Service Provider (ISP) customers.

The summits also presented the latest trends in optical technologies from Huawei. Dr. Maxim Kuschnerov, Director of Huawei Optical and Quantum Communications Laboratory in Munich envisaged the evolution of optical technologies from five dimensions: Congestion Free, Always-On, Scalable, Simplified, and Intelligent. He also shared the evolution trend and prediction of 50G PON, the latest-generation transport access technology.

Other keynote speakers include Arturs Alksnis, Public Affairs Director FTTH Council Europe, Richard Miller, Business Development Director of Huawei, and Jonas Emilsson, Co-founder of Glecom from Sweden.

Following the summit, Huawei also shared its vision during the FTTH Conference 2022, one of the world’s largest fiber summits, on May 25. In his speech, Kevin Liu, Huawei’s Senior VP of Sales and Channel, pointed out that ISPs can achieve sustainable business growth by seizing the three strategic broadband opportunities to come. First: connection broadband, optical network construction is accelerating; second, the evolution from outdoor FTTH to indoor FTTR provides a high-quality, ubiquitous Wi-Fi network experience; third, a premium FTTR home broadband is the base for smart homes and miscellaneous applications.

For this opportunity, Huawei presents Green Intelligent OptiX Network, which consists of green architecture, green site, and green operation. “With this target network solution, we can drive the ICT industry to achieve ‘more bits, less watts’ and low carbon goals,” says Kevin Liu, Huawei’s Senior VP of Sales and Channel, during the panel speech.


Ann Dunkin, Lucien Engelen and Shafi Ahmed to headline the speaker list at IOT Solutions World Congress 2022


The IOT Solutions World Congress (IOTSWC), the largest international event devoted to industry transformation through disruptive technologies, will hold its sixth edition from May 10 to 12 and will feature over 200 experts in industrial digitalization in its congress program.

Among the speakers is Ann Dunkin, Chief Information Officer (CIO) at the US Department of Energy and author of Industrial Digital Transformation: Accelerate digital transformation with business optimization, AI, and Industry 4.0. In 2016 she was named one of ComputerWorld’s Premier 100 Technology Leaders, and one of Washington DC’s Top 50 Women in Technology in 2015 and 2016.

With a wide experience of the Healthcare industry, Lucien Engelen looks at how new technologies can change patient care models in the context of rising demand for healthcare, shortages of skilled staff and restrictive budgets. He is a faculty member of Exponential Medicine at Singularity University and has advised many companies in business transformation.

The crossroads between sport and technology will be the main focus of the conference of Albert Mundet, Director of the Barça Innovation Hub at FC Barcelona. Mundet will explain how the football club is using Digital Twins to enhance visitors’ experience at the Camp Nou.

Healthcare and technology innovation is the domain of Shafi Ahmed, a colorectal surgeon at The Royal London and St Bartholomew’s Hospitals. A multi award-winning surgeon, teacher, futurist and innovator, Dr. Ahmed has explored the use of augmented and virtual reality as tools to improve healthcare delivery and teaching.

Organised by Fira de Barcelona in partnership with the Industrial Internet Consortium®, IOTSWC will structure its congress program in five horizontal tracks: Business Optimization Solutions, Artificial Intelligence Solutions, Connectivity Solutions, Security Solutions and Customer Experience Solutions. The Congress program will also feature speakers from Airbus; Buhler Group; Johnson&Johnson; Konecranes; Lego Group, Siemens, Toshiba and Volkswagen Group.

Industry transformation reimagined
The event will showcase the solutions of 310 exhibiting companies including ABB, Altair, Amazon Web Services, BrainCube, Crowdstrike, Deloitte, Device Authority, EMnify, Faircom Corporation, Fiware, Hornet Security, Huawei, Kaspersky, KNX, Libellium, Palo Alto, Richardson RFPD, Relayr, Siemens, Sternum and Trellix, TXOne Networks. All of them will display examples of how the Internet of Things, Artificial intelligence, Digital Twins, Augmented and Vistrual Reality, Blockchain and other technologies have the potential to transform entire businesses.


Huawei chosen by R.Power Group to supply Smart String Inverters for 390 MWp utility solar portfolio in Poland


Huawei has recently been selected by R.Power Group, one of the largest players on the Polish PV market, to supply 390 MWp of its world-leading smart string inverters for numerous utility-scale solar projects in Poland.

According to the contract, three types of Huawei’s utility-scale PV inverters — SUN2000 215KTL-H0, SUN2000 185KTL-H1, and SUN2000 105KTL-H1 — will be utilized to maximize the performance of 390 MW portfolio of solar projects. The field-proven performance, such as high efficiency, low failure rate, and high energy outputs, gives Huawei Smart PV solution an edge over other standard solutions.

R.Power Group was awarded the contract to sell electricity generated from the 390 MWp portfolio of projects in the auction of renewable energy sources (RES) carried out in the last dozen or so months.

“We are honored to be a key player in Poland’s fast-growing utility-scale PV industry. Our success is largely attributed to the highest quality of equipment and service we deliver. In the implementations of our projects, we usually cooperate with industry leaders – both foreign ones, such as Huawei, which will provide us with inverters, and Polish ones, such as Nomad Electric, a company that will be responsible for the construction, operations, and maintenance of the plants,” says Przemek Pieta, President of the Management Board of the R.Power Group.

“We have been working side by side with R.Power for many years to implement utility-scale solar projects in the demanding Polish market. These solar farms built by R.Power will supply hundreds of gigawatt-hours of electricity yearly, accelerating Poland’s transition to a low-carbon economy. Huawei is known for its start-of-the-art Smart PV solutions and we are glad that they are appreciated by more and more customers in Poland and around the world,” commented Maciej Bąkała, Business Development Manager at Huawei Digital Power.

Huawei has been developing the SUN2000 series solar inverters since 2013, continuously improving them. The company was the first in the world to provide support for bifacial modules and solar-following systems, and to use machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms for remote diagnostics and fire risk reduction. Today, Huawei has a leading track record in implementing AI technologies into PV, including AFCI and Smart I-V Curve Diagnosis, helping customers achieve more long-term benefits. In addition, Huawei’s solutions enable intelligent management of a PV power plant through precise data collection and analysis.



HUAWEI, in partnership with Bangkok Post and ASEAN Foundation, to explore the role of digital innovation in driving Thailand and Asia Pacific economy


Huawei Technologies (Thailand) Co., Ltd., the Bangkok Post Public Company, ASEAN Foundation, and over 50 ICT industry partners from across Thailand have come together for “POWERING DIGITAL THAILAND 2022: HUAWEI CLOUD & CONNECT and ASIA PACIFIC INNOVATION DAY”, running from November 17-19, 2021, in Bangkok.

The event considers how digital technologies can unlock new potential, markets, and business models, as well as support post-pandemic economic recovery in Thailand and the Asia Pacific region, while affirming Huawei’s confidence in the country. The company is also using the three-day event to illustrate its readiness to drive ASEAN into the digital age through investment and its local partner ecosystem. Further, the event thoroughly explores the practical application of technologies like Cloud, 5G, AI, and Digital Power in all industries through digital transformation, particularly Thailand’s agriculture, manufacturing, and renewable energy sectors.

Deputy Prime Minister of Thailand General Prawit Wongsuwon opened the event, stating that “Digital technology is crucial to Thailand’s digital economic development, post-pandemic recovery, and social well-being. I am delighted that Huawei Thailand, Bangkok Post, and ASEAN Foundation have organized the POWERING DIGITAL THAILAND 2022 event, aligning with the government’s policies for digital development. The collaboration between government and industry to integrate technologies and evolve the country will enhance business potential, government efficiency, and Thailand’s sustainability.”

“Under strong policies to develop the national digital economy and technology, Thailand’s digital infrastructure and data economy have made great strides in the past several years. We believe that Thailand’s digital economy can reach 30% of its GDP by 2030 or even earlier. In this endeavor, we look forward to continue working with Huawei and deepen our collaboration to use digital innovation in promoting Thailand’s digital economy.” H.E. Chaiwut Thanakamanusorn, Minister of Digital Economy and Society of Thailand, said in his keynote speech.

Mr. Nattapol Rangsitpol, Director-General of the Department of Industrial Promotion, Ministry of Industry, Thailand, delivered a speech on “Leveraging Industry 4.0 to Accelerate Economic Recovery”, where he emphasized that in a post-pandemic Thailand, the country’s economic structure is being transformed by technology and innovation, adding that “new digital innovations such as 5G, AI, and IoT are rapidly driving industrial transformation and the manufacturing sector to help Thailand embrace the Industry 4.0 era.”

Dr. Yan Rianto, M.Eng. Acting Deputy for Research and Innovation Infrastructure, The National Research and Innovation Agency Republic of Indonesia said that “I would like to thanks to all of you for the opportunity to attend this very prestigious event. We express our deepest appreciation to Huawei, for establishing excellent cooperation in Indonesia, particularly with BRIN.”

Mr. Guo Ping, Huawei Rotating Chairman, gave the opening speech at the event, where he spoke on how COVID-19 has accelerated digital transformation in Asia Pacific and expressed his strong belief in post-pandemic economic recovery and digital economic growth in the region. He stressed that “digital technology, especially 5G, cloud, and AI, will surely become a pillar for economic recovery and resilience in many countries. ”

“Huawei will continue innovating and building a tech ecosystem to help the Asia Pacific region go digital faster,” Mr. Guo Ping said. “We use 5G, cloud, and AI to help industries go digital and we will keep innovating our cloud and AI solutions to create steady value for local enterprises, especially SMEs. We plan to invest 100 million US dollars over the next three years to help build a startup ecosystem in the region.”

At the end of his speech, Guo reiterated Huawei’s commitment in the Asia Pacific region. “We believe all countries in the Asia Pacific region will succeed in their push to go digital. We will extend our roots deeper and do our part during the region’s 10 golden years of digital transformation.”

Mr. Worachai Bhicharnchitr, Vice Chairman of Bangkok Post Public Company Limited, said, “Having Bangkok Post, ASEAN Foundation, and Huawei hosting the three-day POWERING DIGITAL THAILAND 2022 HUAWEI CLOUD & CONNECT ASIA PACIFIC INNOVATION DAY, in conjunction with Asia Pacific Innovation Day, will allow us to delve into the practical application of technologies like Cloud, 5G, AI, and Digital Power in all industries, as well as learn how Thailand can accelerate digital transformation to unlock new potential, markets, and business models for organizations of all shapes and sizes during the post-pandemic recovery.”

During this event, industry leaders and regional organizations across the Asia Pacific also shared their insights on how to build a thriving and sustainable community in the digital era.

“I would like to use this opportunity to commend Huawei and Bangkok Post for initiating the “HUAWEI CLOUD & CONNECT – Asia Pacific Innovation Day” event, which brings together government leaders, industry thought leaders, and thinktank scholars to spark new ICT innovations that can pave the way for more resilient post-COVID-19 recovery in the Asia Pacific region,” said Dr. Yang Mee Eng, Executive Director, ASEAN Foundation.

Further, Dr. Le Quang Lan, Assistant Director, Head of ICT and Tourism Division, ASEAN Secretariat, emphasized that “The power of digital economy lies in its ability to enable companies to scale their business models throughout the region, and a common approach for digital transformation should be adopted throughout the Asia Pacific region. In this regard, we welcome the initiative to organize the Asia Pacific Innovation Day as hosted by the ASEAN Foundation, Bangkok Post, and Huawei.”

Mr. Lin Baifeng, President of Huawei Asia Pacific, emphasized that “As one of the most populous and diverse regions in the world, Asia Pacific is marching to the forefront of the global digital landscape. With over 20 years of partnership with and contributions in the region, Huawei is committed to supporting Thailand and the region’s digital vision in three key areas: Connectivity and Intelligence, Low-Carbon Development, and Digital Inclusion Initiatives.”

Abel Deng, CEO of Huawei Technologies (Thailand) Co., Ltd., also addressed digital transformation trends and Huawei’s mission in the Thai market by stating, “We are inspired to see Thailand becomes a leading digital force in the ASEAN region. Huawei will support to power a low-carbon digital Thailand through four main layers: the first is to enrich 5G adoption for ubiquitous connectivity. In 2022, Huawei will help to expand Thailand’s 5G rollout and adoption in vertical industries. Second, Huawei will support Thailand to strengthen its digital platforms and data localization. Huawei Cloud is the only international cloud service provider with local data centers in the Thailand market, and our third Availability Zone is officially ready for service this November. The third layer is supporting Thailand in realizing its Carbon Neutrality 2050 roadmap with digital power innovations. Finally, we will create a thriving Innovation Ecosystem in Thailand through our 5G Ecosystem Innovation Center, Spark Program, Huawei ASEAN Academy and Digital Talent initiatives.”

When discussing Thailand’s low-carbon development, Mr. Abel Deng added, “Huawei is fully committed to supporting Thailand in becoming ASEAN’s low-carbon leader, and we are confident in achieving this goal. We have over 30 years of experience in the power industry, with 6,000+ dedicated R&D employees in this field, and we devote nearly 15% of our total revenue to R&D every year.”

Digital Power Smart Energy is one of the most exciting innovations during this event. Combined existing energy business, Huawei introduced digital power business to Thailand, which focus on developing clean energy to replace fossil fuels through digital and power electronics technology, aim to build a low carbon smart society. Huawei Digital Power business drives industries low-carbonization, electrification and intelligentalization by applying applications such as Smart PV & Battery Energy Storage, Intelligent EV Charging Network, Smart Data Center Facility and Green Site Power Facility, currently in Thailand is providing service to over 1000 customers and partners.

The POWERING DIGITAL THAILAND 2022 event showcases key technologies and innovations for industries such as agriculture, manufacturing, and smart energy, which can be easily applied by Thai businesses. One exhibition highlight is Cloud Tractor Training, where visitors can experience a tractor training course enabled by a low latency 5G network and cloud rendering server. This innovation can be implemented by Thai farmers to improve and optimize their cultivation of agricultural produce.

The event is also highlighting inspiring business cases and solutions related to digital transformation, including how to develop a green, low-carbon, and open ecosystem, which is split across three areas. The first of these is ‘Redefine Infrastructure’, which showcases how 5G, cloud, and AI technologies can converge across all industries to unleash new value. The second area focuses on ‘Industry Digital Transformation’, including Smart Transportation, Smart Campus, and Smart Finance. Finally, the third area exhibits major global partners and businesses that are collaborating with Huawei to build a prosperous ecosystem for the Intelligent Era.

Another event highlight is the Intelligent World 2030 White Paper, which cites upcoming technological trends from Huawei to look out for, including Cloud, 5G Bullet Time, Cloud and 5G VR Gaming, Smart Healthcare, Smart Finance, and Smart Education. The Hands-on Lab course is also impressing visitors, where experts from Huawei Cloud provide technical and practical sessions for IT professionals, as well as skills development workshops for deploying and operating cloud computing technology. Finally, the second HUAWEI CLOUD Developer Competition in Thailand is being showcased at the event under the theme of ‘Creating value for Thailand and society; for a better future for this beautiful country.’

For more information on the POWERING DIGITAL THAILAND 2022: HUAWEI CLOUD & CONNECT and ASIA PACIFIC INNOVATION DAY, please visit: https://activity.huaweicloud.com/intl/en-us/HCCThailand2022.html